Sunday, July 21, 2013


     Ok, so being Chinese myself, I'm aware of the massive number of Chinese buffets here. I actually went to one yesterday night. I'm usually a very adventurous guy, so eating Chinese food everyday of my life has really put a frown on my face when I see it. The thing I don't like about Chinese buffets though, are that they are completely bullshit! The food can't even be authentic because none of the 'Chinese' food in those buffets are actually eaten in China. Sure, we have the egg rolls and dumplings, that's about it. Orange chicken, teriyaki chicken, fortune cookies, and other well known American made foods are non-existent in China! If you go to Chinese buffets, you are definitely not getting any authentic experience of the Chinese's culture and food!
     The ironic part is that Chinese people usually run it, so they know they aren't serving authentic Chinese food! Anyways, if you really want a taste and experience of Chinese food (mostly Cantonese because I'm from Hong Kong), search nearby for a dim sum place. If you have never heard of dim sum, it's basically a restaurant where they have various dishes on the menu and is typically a better reflection of Chinese food. However, there are some horrible dim sum places out there that I would rather not mention. Dim sum is good for group gatherings and just hanging out with friends while enjoying a nice cup of tea and taking a break from your hectic day. Tell us about your Chinese food experiences and recommend other types of Chinese meals I should try!

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