Friday, July 19, 2013

The Conjuring

     Hey! How's everyone? Enjoying your Friday so far? Planning on giving yourself a heart attack tonight? That's right! The highly anticipated movie, "The Conjuring", is coming out to theaters today! Now if you don't know what "The Conjuring" is about, it's a movie about paranormal investigators helping a family terrorized by a dark presence in their farmhouse, set in 1971. It was rated 84% on Rotten Tomatoes and many people are clearing up a spot in their schedule just to see it tonight!

     Apparently, the film is so terrifying that many people experience hallucinations after watching the film and there is a priest available for guidance and counseling. I'm sure this is just all for publicity but if you experience any hallucinations, make sure to tell me in the comments! This is a must-see for all horror movie lovers! I will link the trailer down below!

     If "The Conjuring" is not on your schedule tonight, tell us what is your plan for this Friday night! It doesn't matter if it's you sitting on your bed watching Netflix with a gallon of ice cream crying or out partying at a nightclub, tell us all the juicy details! Feedback and advice is always appreciated! 


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